Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Hugel 100
Shreyashi Chakdar

Prof. Shreyashi Chakdar (College of the Holy Cross) will give a colloquium in the Physics Department on theoretical particle physics. This lecture is open to the campus community, but assumes at least 1-2 years of physics background coursework.  Come early for cookies and coffee with the Physics Club, starting at 4:10 PM!

Title: Frontiers of New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

Abstract: The Standard Model of Particle physics is currently the most successful and predictive theory in understanding elementary particles and their interactions.  Along with the Standard Model's achievements, however, there are several experimental observations that suggest the presence of Beyond the Standard Model Physics (BSM) or simply "New physics."  New physics is also essential for solving the theoretical limitations of the Standard Model. Numerous theoretical and experimental studies have already been performed in the search for BSM physics by the Particle Physics community, particularly through the commissioning of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN, Geneva, and various other detectors.  Two of the most intriguing puzzles in particle physics are the nature of dark matter and the origin of neutrino masses.  Dark matter is a major ingredient of the Universe whose effects on galaxies and other astrophysical objects can be measured, but no other property of dark matter is yet known.  Neutrinos are particles that are described as massless within the so-called "Standard Model of particle physics."  However, experiments have shown that while neutrinos are indeed incredibly light, they are not massless, which is explained by many BSM models. Along with presenting my current theoretical and phenomenological BSM research program on dark matter and neutrinos, I will discuss my path through research and academia and in this field, how I involve undergraduate students in this kind of research project and discuss the broader impacts of this kind of basic science research.

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Physics Department

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Brooks Thomas