Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
206 Skillman Library
Dr. Tracie Addy, Dr. Tinting Kang, & Janine Block

How can we create inclusive classrooms to support the success of all of our learners? Last Spring CITLS collaborated with the International Students Association, the English for Academic Purposes Center, and the Intercultural Development and International Student Advising Office to host a student-driven forum focused on international students’ experiences at Lafayette. 


One of the major themes that emerged from the discussions between international students, faculty, and staff members was a need to create academic experiences that are inclusive to the truly unique experiences of international students. 


As a follow-up to the forum, this session (the second of two) will study case applications as well as brainstorm ways we can support international students in their unique journeys at Lafayette. Because any faculty member might teach, mentor, or advise international students, this session will be relevant for all. These sessions will be facilitated by Dr. Tracie Addy (CITLS), Dr. Tingting Kang, Director of the English for Academic Purposes Center (EAP), and Janine Block, Assistant Director of Intercultural Development and International Student Advising. Lunch will be provided.

Sponsored by: 
CITLS, English for Academic Purposes Center, Intercultural Development & International Student Advising