Friday, February 22, 2013 - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Pardee 101
Ellen Schaplowsky
Ruder Finn, Inc. is a leading independent communications agency with more than 65 years experience. Maintaining offices in New York, London, Paris, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Guangzhou, the agency employs over 400 of the leading public relations professionals in the world. Ruder Finn is organized around four strategic pillars that reflect its key areas of leadership: Health & Wellness, Corporate & Public Trust, Technology & Innovation and Consumer Connections. Expertise includes corporate reputation management, branding, cultural and social issues, and intent-driven social media through its full-service digital agency, RFI Studios. Meaningful work. Great clients. Excellent teams. Collaborative atmosphere. Room to advance. We're committed to delivering something special to attract outstanding talent ... like you! Come and learn more
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