The Kukutana Ensemble, directed by Janie Cole, is an international ensemble that proposes collapsed
time engagement of varying technologies, including a range of traditional African bowed &
percussion instruments in conjunction with live-sampling and intermixed soundscapes to re-imagine
music from pre-colonial Indian Ocean locations.
They will be performing an original work called Gabriel's Odyssey, based on the earliest surviving
autobiographical account by an enslaved Ethiopian, a Beta Israel Ethiopian Jew, who was kidnapped
as a child from the Ethiopian Highlands, sold into slavery in the Arab world, and had a final
encounter with the Portuguese Inquisition in Goa.
The ensemble consists of musician-composer-scholars from a wide variety of fields who use tape
composition and acoustic instruments to advance a group collaborative experiment in sonic
archaeology. This event is made possible through support from a Lafayette Arts & Technology
Grant; the Humanities Center; and the Department of Music.
Kukutana Ensemble
Mark Aranha (South Africa), guitarist, composer
Grasella Luigi Bonefeni (Ethiopia), Voice, violin
Bronwen Clacherty (South Africa), percussionist, vibraphonist, composer
Janie Cole (South Africa/ US), voice, researcher, composer
Tesfamichael Yayeh Hussen (Ethiopia), voice masinqo, krar, washint, composer
Cara Stacey (South Africa) Bow player, pianist, composer