STEM education and industries must confront their historical and ongoing biases, including the exclusion of non-White perspectives, the dominance of White ideologies, and the marginalization of minoritized cultures that have contributed to STEM globally. These systems often frame knowledge as neutral and unconnected to power, creating environments that are unwelcoming to those who do not fit the mold of White, heterosexual, able-bodied men. As a way to challenge these inequities, Dr. Ebony McGee (Professor of Innovation and Inclusion in the STEM Ecosystem at Johns Hopkins University) will discuss Afrofuturism, which offers a transformative framework that intersects imagination, technology, liberation, and a Black cultural lens. By reimagining futures where Black individuals and communities thrive, Afrofuturism critiques systemic racism, interrogates historical injustices, and amplifies marginalized voices in STEM. It envisions a future where the African diaspora is central to technological and scientific progress, fostering justice-driven innovation and inclusive learning. Join us for this powerful presentation and explore how Afrofuturism can reshape STEM—everyone is encouraged to attend!