Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Oechsle Hall 224
Dr. John Rich, Director of the RUSH BMO Institute for Health Equity

Dr. John Rich is the Director of the RUSH BMO Institute for Health Equity and a MacArthur Award Recipient. From the powerful narratives in his book published by Johns Hopkins Press Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Trauma and Violence in the Lives of Young Black Men to his quantitative analyses on the impact of systemic factors on health and healthcare, such as in his recent article on COVID-19 vaccination inequities in Philadelphia neighborhoods, Dr. Rich’s research demonstrates the power of a multi-method approach to both understanding health inequities and to designing new approaches to community health systems and practices.


Dr. Rich's presentation is part of a range of programming the Hanson Center has organized during the spring 2024 semester around the theme Systemic Inequalities in Health and Healthcare. The overall goal of this semester-long program is to enhance our understanding of systemic health disparities and to help us identify actions we can take to address these inequities. This programming seeks to advance our Inclusive STEM Studies community, an important aspect of the Center’s mission.

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Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education