Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 12:15pm - 1:00pm
330 Rockwell Center
Rachel Car, Executive Director of the Nurture Nature Center

Join us for an inspiring talk about the world of social entrepreneurship! Discover how innovative ideas and passion for social change can transform communities and create lasting impact. Dyer Center Entrepreneur-in-Residence Rachel Carr will discuss how social entrepreneurs are driving change and making a difference in the lives of others. Uncover the secrets behind sustainable and impactful social ventures, and explore how you can be a part of this global movement for positive change. Come, be inspired, and let's shape a better future together!


Can’t make it?   Reach out to Rachel Carr at carrra@lafayette.edu for more information.

COURSE ALERT:   INDS 223 Social Entrepreneurship

Students will learn from examples that include locally-based efforts, organizations that operate around the U.S., and examples from abroad. They will also be part of a team that designs and develops strategies for a particular societal issue relevant to a community partner.

Course topics include a range of organizational models:

  • For-Impact Business Models Exploration of for-profit and hybrid business models Balancing financial sustainability with social impact
  • Innovative Models: Cooperatives, B Corps, and Beyond Analysis of alternative organizational structures
  • Nonprofit Strategies for Impact Understanding the nonprofit sector and its unique challenges Fundraising and resource mobilization for nonprofit social enterprises

Contact information

Jolene Cardassi