Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
103 Hugel Science Center
Dr. Tracie Addy & Dr. Wendy Hill

In this session participants will learn about the motivation, scope, and plans for a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) consensus study that began this year. The Committee’s discussion draft will be presented that proposes seven principles for equitable and effective teaching of undergraduate STEM. The Committee will be soliciting input on these principles and on the policies that influence implementation. This input will inform revisions to the principles in the Framework and the recommendations for educators, departments, institutions, and disciplines that will comprise the final report to be released in late 2024.


Dr. Tracie Addy, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning and the Director of the Center for the Integration of Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, is a member of this national study group and has firsthand knowledge and insight about the NASEM framework and analysis. In this presentation, Dr. Addy will describe an overview of the main findings of the NASEM's study. In addition, Dr. Addy, together with Dr. Wendy Hill, Director of the Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education, will lead a discussion to gather initial feedback on the draft report to help improve the framework of the document before a final report is released by NASEM in late 2024. Come be among the first in the country to learn about this important study and hear directly from one of the study's leaders--Dr. Tracie Addy!


Lunch will be available at this event first come, first serve. 

Sponsored by: 
CITLS; The Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education