Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Upper Farinon - Marlo Room West, Easton, PA 18042, United States

At the beginning of the school year, students are often excited step into leadership positions. Once the initial excitement wears off, however, many student leaders feel frustrated that their club or organization isn't growing the way they thought it would, Many feel lost, or they feel just plain burnt out. It's okay. Students on campuses across the country have felt the same way. What we've found, however, is this: you can't lead others until you FIRST LEAD YOURSELF.

So much of student leader training is focused on the organization and not the student leaders themselves. F.L.Y. does exactly the opposite: it focuses on the individual leader and taps into their power of personal vision. Once they are equipped to lead themselves, students will be empowered to lead their organizations and take your campus to astounding new heights. Don't settle for simply hoping that you hit the ground running each semester; empower yourself to FLY!

Sponsored by: 
Lafayette Leadership Education

Contact information

Matwos Tadesse