The Libraries will be hosting a series of events across 2 weeks in April focusing on different aspects of Open Education. These events will all be at noon with lunch provided.
We will first feature a talk by Chris Barnes, Assistant Professor and Digital Publishing Librarian at Adelphi University. Chris will join us via Zoom to give a talk focusing on progress in OE to date, the current challenge of so-called Inclusive Access course materials programs, obstacles and incentives to faculty usage of OER, and the role of students in supporting and encouraging OE on campus with examples from other liberal arts colleges. This event will take place on Tuesday, April 4 at noon.
The next talk will feature Angela Perkins, Research & Instruction Librarian at Lafayette College. Angela will be discussing a recent Oberlin Group survey that studied how the costs of course materials impact our own students. Angela will share both generalized results from across all participating institutions and Lafayette-specific results. This event will take place on Friday, April 7 at noon.
Finally, Yang Wu, Assistant Librarian, Open Resources at Clemson University, will give a Zoom presentation touching on two topics: publishing original Open textbook content, and issues in raising awareness around course affordability for students. This event will take place on Thursday, April 13 at noon. For full details, visit: https://library.lafayette.edu/open-education-speaker-series-in-april/