Friday, November 18, 2022 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Van Wickle Hall 108
U. Chicago Marine Biological Laboratory

The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is an affiliate of the University of Chicago. Their Semester in Environmental Science (SES) is an intensive field and laboratory-based program on ecosystem science and global change at MBL's Ecosystems Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. As part of Geology's Friday seminar series, Prof. Ketil Koop-Jakobsen from MBL will talk about his research on the rhizosphere and the work he's done with SES students about saltmarsh ecosystems. Afterward, SES alumna Dianna Gagnon (Wheaton College '21) will talk more broadly about the program and answer questions. Lunch will be provided.

Students interested in studying off-campus for a semester should contact Sarah Ye at yes@lafayette.edu to learn more about the process.

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