Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Landis Cinema, Buck Hall, 219 N 3rd Street
David L., Sr. and Helen J. Temple Visiting Lecture Series

“How do we carry weight? This action—carrying, silently moving through space, sometimes unnoticed—is how we exist.”

— Le’Andra LeSeur

Le’Andra LeSeur is a multidisciplinary artist whose work encompasses a range of media including video, installation, photography, painting, and performance. LeSeur’s body of work, a celebration of Blackness, queerness, and femininity, seeks to dismantle systems of power and achieve transcendence and liberation through perseverance. Through the insertion of her body and voice into her work, she provides her audience with an opportunity to contemplate themes such as identity, family, Black grief and joy, the experience of invisibility, and what it means to take up space as a queer Black woman—a rejection of the stereotypes which attempt to push these identities to the margins.

Le'Andra LeSeur will be working on a printmaking project at the Experimental Printmaking Institute of Lafayette College from November 14th through November 19th . EPI is located at 421 Hamilton street, please stop by to see her project unfold, we are open to the public. This weeklong residency is in partnership with the Africana Studies Program and the ARCAthens Artist Residency Program.

Sponsored by: 
David L., Sr. and Helen J. Temple Lecture Series, EPI, Africana Studies, ARCAthens

Contact information

Pedro Barbeito