Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Williams Center for the Arts
Williams Center for the Arts

Okinawa's elite performers demonstrate the techniques, inventiveness, music, and costumes of court dance and stylized musical theater (kumiordi) of the Ryukyu Kingdom (15th - 19th centuries), as well as lively folk dances (zo-odori) and cheerful rhythms of music on sanshin, koto, fue, kokyu, and taiko. Sumptuous bingata costumes and the music's iconic use of pentatonic scales burnish Okinawa's distinctive artistry.

Admission is free; takeaway lunch provided while supplies last.

This lecture/demonstration accompanies the performance of Waves Across Time: Traditional Music and Dance of Okinawa, Friday, March 25 at 8:00 p.m., Williams Center for the Arts.

Sponsored by: 
Williams Center for the Arts, Japan Society, and Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation