Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 12:15pm - 1:00pm
103 Ramer History House
Prof. Jessica Carr and Reni Mokrii

The Jewish holiday of Purim is of much different and greater importance for Russian Jews, whether in East Europe, the US, Israel, or throughout the world. The Russian and East European Studies Program will host a casual event in Ramer House to introduce some of the reasons for distinct Russian Jewish practices in general, some of the foods & practices of Purim and Jewishness in East Europe, and to provide an opportunity to discuss life in East Europe today, including the unnerving events in Ukraine that are unfolding before us. Prof. Jessica Carr will speak about how we can use postcolonialism to better see how Russian Jewish practices have been understood or misunderstood by American Jews, and how Russian Jews have responded. Reni Mokrii will speak about her experiences in Moscow and how Russian Jews have practiced Jewish holidays in Soviet and post-Soviet contexts. 


Please join us for lunch from Black Forest Deli: it wouldn’t be Purim if we weren’t eating and drinking! 

Sponsored by: 
Russian and East European Studies, Jewish Studies, Hillel, Religious Studies

Contact information

Jessica Carr