Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Karl Stirner Arts Trail Trailhead at 300 North 3rd St., (Behind Don Juan's)
Karl Stirner Arts Trail and Lafayette College Community Based Teaching

The Red Sand Project is a participatory collaborative artwork conceived by Molly Gochman, (NYC) which uses sidewalk interventions and earthwork installations to create opportunities for people to question, connect and take action against vulnerabilities that can lead to human trafficking and exploitation.  The approach is symbolic, with the grains of sand, a metaphor for those individuals who fall through the cracks—whether the cracks of our social, economic, and political systems or those of our personal consciousness.


The Red Sand Project was introduced to Easton by a local 501c3 Nonprofit and Native American Support Organization; PAZA, Tree of Life as part as part of their mission toremember theMissing Murdered Indigenous Women of Native Nations which remained painfully unaddressed until Savannah’s Law was passed into congress in 2020. Their goal is to promote conversation around the topic of human trafficking for the purpose of increased awareness and protection for all people.


*We welcome anyone and everyone to come and help us install this permanent work on the path of the Karkl Stirner Arts Trail just beyond the new arch trailhead behind Don Juan's Restaurant parking lot @ 300 North 3rd St. in Easton, PA.


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