Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 4:15pm - 5:00pm
Private Location (rsvp to display)

Ever wonder what it's really like to work at places like Instagram? Ever wonder what is the programming behind those APIs?

Join alumni speakers Farhan Ahmed '05, Group Technical Program Manager at Instagram and Mayank Lahiri '05, Software Architect at Twilio as they discuss their industry and provide insight into their daily work along with tips to succeed as a young professional.

Learn what it's like supporting 250+ person engineering orgs spanning mobile performance, media infrastructure, identity, graph infrastructure and ranking, product platforms and web (Instagram.com) or how to convert Twilio's product usage microtransaction stream into real money. How technology will be even more of an important part of communication in the future.

Register for this exciting Panel conversation today.

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Gateway Career Center

Contact information

Rochelle Crozier