Thursday, March 11, 2021 (All day) - Saturday, March 13, 2021 (All day)
Zoom to your own screen
Lafayette College Theater

“Time to play!” gleefully exclaims Sun Wu-k’ung, the Handsome Monkey King, the Monkey of the Mind, the very first and most irrepressible monkey in all creation.The original Journey to the West,  a 7-volume novel based on the story of the西遊記 -- Xī Yóu Jì (The Journey to the West), attributed to Wu Chang’en in the Ming Dynasty is one of the most ubiquitous and famous works in the world, known to almost every Asian person from childhood, and interpreted in hundreds of forms from the Beijing Opera to film and television to comix to video games. Although most of us in the West might have never heard of him, Monkey King is very likely the most popular superhero in the world.  Join us for a Zoom production, available on your home screen; tickets available from the Williams Center (https://the-arts.lafayette.edu/box-office/will give you 48-hour access to the broadcast. 


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Lafayette College Theater