Monday, February 11, 2019 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
117 Kunkel Hall
Prof. Timothy Laquintano

You’re invited to the second workshop on writing better personal statements for admission to health professions schools. This one will be slightly different than the first. Here is the structure:

1) From 4:00 to 4:45, Professor Laquintano will lead a whole-group workshop. We will look at an example statement and talk about some of the ways it might be improved. This will allow us to review collectively some keys to good statements. If you want to volunteer to have your statement workshopped in front of the entire group, please contact Prof. Laquintano immediately (laquintt@lafayette.edu). We can keep you anonymous if you wish.

2) From 4:45 to 6:00, we will be in break-out groups of three. For this session, you will need to bring four hard copies of your draft. It is OK if it is rough, and it is OK if it is incomplete. Each student in the group will have roughly 25 minutes to read his/her draft aloud and receive feedback from others in the group. We should be able to have WAs and professors roaming from group to group to answer questions.

If you wish to participate in the workshop, you need to follow these steps:

1) Continue to draft your personal statement. Write and re-write it as many times as you can in advance of the workshop.

2) RSVP via this Qualtrics link: https://lafayettec.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OsxTc1Hzh1XJvT.

 3) Come to the workshop with *four* hard copies of your draft. 

 4) Optional: if you wish to be the student(s) who receive feedback from the entire group, contact Laquintano via email.

Sponsored by: 
Health Professions Program and the College Writing Program

Contact information

Ms. Simona Glaus