Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Oeschle 224
Siddharth Kara

One of the world's foremost experts on modern day slavery and human trafficking, Siddarth Kara is author of the award winning book, "Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery" and co-winner of the prestigious 2010 Frederick Douglass Award at Yale University. Kara is currently a Fellow with the Carr Center Program on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery at Harvard University.
The Presidential McDonogh Lecture Series brings scholars to campus who have gained prominent attention for their work with multicultural education and diversity issues. Speakers invited to campus for this occasion are asked to participate in a variety of events that can include a campus lecture, student leadership development, course teach-in, and discussion with administration and interested faculty. The McDonogh Lecture is always informative, engaging and often inspirational.
Q&A will follow the lecture.

Sponsored by: 
The Office of the President, Women's & Gender Studies and The Office of Intercultural Development