Curator, Julia Buntaine, Director & Editor in Chief of SciArt Center & Magazine
Kathy High | Jonathon Keats | Raphael Kim
Collaboration between the arts and sciences is a popular notion that has evolved far beyond a buzz word. Revived by contemporary initiatives inspired by the late C.P. Snow’s lament on the gap between the two cultures of art and science, collaboration is a tangible way in which the two disciplines cannot only create a bridge of mutual understanding, but can lead to comprehensive approaches to our 21st century opportunities and problems. Artists are often the champions of the charge for cross-disciplinary work because they are free to take risks which others may deem improbable, irresponsible, or impossible.
Walking the lines of the allowable in bioethics and the possible in technology, “Hypothetically” presents artists that create work which propose experiments, initiatives, and solutions to persistent issues, from the level of the microbe to the whole of the planet.