Lecture and “Tiffany at Lafayette” opening reception, 4:30 p.m., Williams Center 108 & Gallery
Lindsy R. Parrott, “Tiffany Glass: Painting with Color and Light,”
Louis C. Tiffany’s windows and lamps are widely admired and celebrated, but what is it that makes these works so special? How are they different from other works in stained glass? This illustrated lecture will answer these questions by exploring the new types of glass and innovative fabrication techniques Tiffany used to “paint” with color and light.
Parrott, Director of The Neustadt Collection of Tiffany Glass, Queens, New York, is curator of the exhibition at the Williams Center Gallery.
At the turn of the last century, two superb art glass windows were commissioned for Lafayette College from Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Tiffany Glass and Decorating Company in New York City—Alcuin and Charlemagne (1898) for Pardee Hall and The Death of Sir Philip Sidney (1899) for Van Wickle Memorial Library (now Van Wickle Hall). For the last decade, ever since these two windows were successfully restored and installed in Skillman Library, the Lafayette College Art Galleries and Skillman Library’s Special Collections have wanted to host a proper celebration of the magnificent Tiffany legacy at Lafayette College. This spring, with the assistance of some remarkably generous Lafayette alumni, we are able to offer a trio of exhibitions and an array of programs to celebrate this legacy.