Monday, May 12, 2014 - 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Acopian 315
The Students of "Technology and Nature"


The Students of "EGRS/EVST 373: Technology and Nature" will present an overview of the book they have written, Resetting the Table in the Lehigh Valley: A Study of Technology, Nature, and Local Food. The book’s eight chapters explore the ways we might envision and design technologies that sustain, rather than undermine, ecological health. Taking a page from Wendell Berry's observation that "Eating is an agricultural act," the nineteen authors focus on the technologies of local food by challenging readers to imagine new ways of technological thinking and new forms of connection between people and the land.

Please join us to learn more about sustainable technology and/in the local food economy.

There will be refreshments.


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Engineering Studies and Environmental Studies

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